Specializing in Cases in California and Nevada
We handle cases in Southern California and Southern Nevada. A lot of our cases represent individuals that live in Southern California. They travel to Las Vegas for a vacation. On the way there, they get in a car wreck on the Nevada side of the border. They return to California and want to speak to a lawyer.
We Will Go To Trial in Nevada For You
We handle a lot of cases referred to our office by other lawyers that are not licensed in Nevada. Again, with any case, we try to settle your case if we can. But, if we need to file a lawsuit and go to trial in Nevada, we would do that. We often handle cases against casinos for casino negligence. We’ve handled security cases. We’ve handled slip and fall, trip and fall, serious injury cases against casinos. Often times, those clients are California residents, but the injury happened in Nevada.
Other injury lawyers in California can’t handle a case in Nevada. This is because they are unable to practice law in a jurisdiction where they do not have a license. As I mentioned, I hold licenses in both California and Nevada. I handle cross-border issues often on individuals that don’t live in Nevada, but that experienced injury in Nevada. There are also Nevada residents that experienced injury in California and have a California claim.
Contact us now to request a free consultation with a reputable personal injury lawyer.